Analysis of Carrying Capacity and Willingness to Pay Conservation Costs for Tourists in the Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark Area

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the carrying capacity of Curug Cimarinjung and Puncak Darma using the Douglass method and the willingness to pay for conservation fees using the Contingent Valuation Method Respondents to the research were 150 tourists and several tourism managers. Curug Cimarinjung can accommodate as many as 184 people day-1, and the …

Spatial modeling of the use probability for Pig-nosed turtles (Carettochelys insculpta) in South Papua, Indonesia

Abstract The uncontrolled use of natural resources can threaten species’ survival and negatively impact ecosystems, potentially affecting the economy and its service to humans. Onespecies that requires attention is the Pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculptaRamsay, 1886), the sole surviving member of the Carettochelyidae family and is only found in rivers of southern New Guinea and the …

Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar IPB

Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Saudara Kami mengundang untuk menyaksikan *Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar IPB University 8 Juni 2024* Orator: 1. *Prof. Dr. Syartinilia* *Guru Besar Tetap Fakultas Pertanian* “Paradigma Ekologi Lanskap dalam Manajemen Terintegrasi untuk Konservasi Habitat Raptor” 2. *Prof. Dr. Aryani Sismin Satyaningtijas* *Guru Besar Tetap Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan dan Biomedis* “Manfaat Ilmu Faal dalam Mendukung Program …

Projected impacts of climate change and anthropogenic effects on habitat distribution of endangered Javan Hawk-Eagle in Indonesia

ABSTRACT Changing climate will jeopardize biodiversity, particularly the geographic distribution of endemic species. One such species is the Javan Hawk-Eagle (JHE, Nisaetus bartelsi), a charismatic raptor found only on Java Island, Indonesia. Thus, it is crucial to develop an appropriate conservation strategy to preserve the species. Ecological niche modeling is considered a valuable tool for …

Iconic Indonesian raptor still threatened by habitat degradation, isolation The latest survey has showed an increase in population of the Javan hawk-eagle, an iconic bird of prey endemic to Indonesia, from the previous survey carried out in 2009. Still, the research also found habitat isolation is a growing concern, linked to the small size of forest patches as primary forest is lost due …

Tokyo Skytree Landscape View at Night

Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー, Tōkyō Sukaitsurī), [toːkʲoː sɯ̥kaitsɯriː] ⓘis a broadcasting and observation tower in Sumida, Tokyo. It became the tallest structure in Japan in 2010[3] and reached its full height of 634 meters (2,080 ft) in March 2011, making it the tallest tower in the world. Source: Wikipedia